We spent the evening at my brother's house so the kids could trick or treat with their cousins. We left a couple of bowls of candy on our doorstep and hoped for the best. We came home to only one of our 8 pumpkins smashed in the street (not bad) and just a few pieces of candy left in the bowls. The kids enjoyed a few pieces of candy out of their treat bags and will leave the rest out for the "Halloween Fairy" or "Halloween Bunny" as Rowan calls it. The Halloween fairy will leave them a present in return, and also a few pieces of candy:) One of the funniest moments of the night was when Rowan was handed a bag of "hot cheetos" and he immediately exclaimed, "Mommy! Them are vegan!" which is his way of saying these days that he sure HOPES they are vegan. Wishful thinking I guess you could say. He never brought them up later though, so I guess he wasn't too excited about them.

The key to a successful vegan Halloween is stocking up on lots of vegan chocolate varieties.:)

I made this basket to pass out to the littler trick or treaters, pretzels, raisins, fruit leathers, and play dough.

Skittles and lollipops for the older kids. My kids actually tasted their first skittles today. wow, what a day:)

Before we went out for the evening, Athena made a plan for pumpkin carving. She carefully designed the faces for each of her 3 pumpkins, big, medium, and little, and drew them on a piece of paper (I think she picked this up from school).

Then Chris helped carve the kids' designs.

They thought this butterfly shape inside the pumpkin was pretty neat.

My race car driver.

Pink Super Girl.

Happy kids.

The trick or treating crew, aka "the cousins".