Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Quick update

We haven't moved yet so I'm breaking my blog break, but I had to give these quick updates, mostly just so I'll remember later.
1. Rowan weighs 26 pounds and is 33 inches tall. For the first time in my parenting life, I have a baby in the 60th percentile for weight. I know %ile's don't matter much, but Athena has never been below the 75th for anything. When I joked to my pediatrician that he was looking "thin", she laughed because he is such a solid guy.

2. Rowan's bus. Rowan is absolutely in love with this matchbox type bus. He asks for it all of the time and even clutches it while he nurses to sleep. Last night Chris left it at Nana and Papa's house so tonight Rowan drove with Daddy to get the bus as he wouldn't stop asking for it and was looking all over the house and I started feeling bad because I don't think he understood that it wasn't here. He checked all of the usual places saying "Buh? Buh?" Oh, it is so cute. I was holding him in my arms when I asked him, "Do you want to go with Daddy and get your bus at Nana's house?" He jumped from my arms and ran to the front door, grabbed a pair of socks that was there and was frantically trying to get them on. "Buh, buh!"

3. Rowan's new sense of fashion. Rowan is starting to pick out his clothes now and I can't believe it. He will pull at what he has on and bring me a clean shirt, demanding that we change him into the proper attire. Tonight he found his monkey shirt and was working so hard to pull the tag off. He was grunting and everything and he got super frustrated that it wouldn't pull off (he was pulling on the tag that is sewn in, but acting like it was the kind of tag that you take off a new shirt). He kept this up for 5 minutes or so and was crying by the end saying "taa, taa" as in get this tag off. So I asked him if he wanted me to cut it off and he immediately handed over the shirt and stopped crying. I cut the tag off and he wanted it on right away and then walked out proudly to show his Dad. I was so surprised at how much thought he put into the whole production. I feel like Rowan communicates very well, even though I'm the main person who can understand it. I'm just happy he and I have that communication going. But I'm scared I'm going to have another very opinionated dressing kid. Well, look who his #1 role model is, his very fashionable, highly opinionated sister! (obviously they don't get this from their parents)

4. Potty. Rowan went pee on the potty tonight. It was amazing because for the past few months he'd say "pee pee" (actually sounds more like beepbee) and ask to go on the potty whenever Athena or I went (he says something like that and lifts his shirt and pulls at his diaper). I often, but not always, take off his diaper and put him on there, but he never goes. Tonight, I put him on and he grunted a little and there it was, a little stream of pee. We were so excited and he just had this beaming smile. Pretty cute.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to start calling Rowan "Slim." As in "Maggie, please leave Slim alone."

Can Rowan please help potty train Maggie? Thanks.


We miss you!

Unknown said...

Yeah Rowan! So proud of you!

Diana M. said...

Sounds like you need a second bus. We have two lovey ducks. I even thought about getting a third as a back up for the back up.