Sunday, January 20, 2008

An official walker!!!

So Rowan has been taking steps for almost a month now and I kept thinking he'd walk before the new year, but he took his time, and has developed better and better control. I know you aren't supposed to compare your kids, but Athena just learned to walk so differently. She couldn't stand independently very much at all (only about 4 days of it) and she went right to running! Rowan has been able to stand pretty well for a month or so but would only take a couple steps here and there. Today he really started to put it together. I think it is because we spent most of the weekend with his cousin Dante who is 4 1/2 months older and very skilled and walking (and running). So...while he still has a ways to go to be completely bipedal, I am officially calling him "walking" today on his 10 month, 1 week birth marker! Yay Ro! I'm hoping walking will help him focus more on eye level rather than every little thing on the ground. AND please don't flame me for the crying, I did it as fast as I could!


lola coca-cola said...

Oh my god you're the worst mom ever, your baby cried for 5 seconds. I can't believe you.

Seriously, CONGRATS Rowan for the walking! What a cutie, I can't believe you haven't eaten bigger chunks off of his gorgeous little self.

Luci said...

AWWW! How cute! go Rowan!

Anonymous said...


erika_deanne said...

Oh my goodness look at him go!!!! adorable! and now begins the real fun

Ciria said...

Joaquin loves this video!! I've played it like 5 times for him and each time he is totally in awe. I think he said something about giving Rowan a high five next time he sees him ;)