Thursday, January 01, 2009

Ringing in the New Year

We rang in the new year quietly in our home. Chris and I actually went out to an early dinner and movie and made it home around 9:30 to put the kids to bed and let my mom get home before too many drunk drivers were on the road. We had a really nice dinner at this Greek restaurant and then went to see the movie "Milk". It was so nice to have a night out, we hadn't had one in way too long. Dinner and the movie were both fantastic. When we got home, the kids were all snuggled in bed with my Mom listening to her tell stories in the dark. It was so cute. Rowan immediately ratted Grandma out and said, "cooka cars" (car cookies), it was so funny. We barely made it to midnight that night, I think I actually went to bed at 11:55 but then Athena had to go to the bathroom so we were definitely awake at midnight. Once we were all settled in bed, I whispered "Happy New Year" to Chris and I took a moment to be thankful for everything in our year and hope for even better in 2009.

So now we are in 2009 and things are just fine. I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions because I tend not to follow through. I do have a few things I am working on right now though.

1. Eating better. Mostly I'm trying to include more salads as I always cook with vegetables and eat fruit pretty regularly. I am *thinking* of trying to cut down on sweets as well but am trying to think of an attainable way of doing that.
2. Exercise more. At this point that should be easy to do since I'm not doing much of anything these days. I have a new pilates DVD, but really want to start jogging again, or do I?
3. Take care of my overall health. I know I'm due for a check up and probably should get that scheduled. I've started acupuncture and am taking some herbs in conjunction with that to hopefully get me back on track. I'm dealing with some sleep issues and just trying to get back into "balance". I think once that is on track, I will be able to accomplish more because I'll have more energy and won't be dragging so much as I have been. After 2 weeks on my herbs, I am definitely sleeping better and am hoping for more success as well.
4. Get more organized (after the move). We are moving in just over 2 weeks and once we are in our new house I want to get some new storage options to help get us organized. Mostly it will be the kitchen supplies and kids toys/art supplies that I'll need to focus on.

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