I was at GTM today and I saw these which Chris loves. They were only 99 cents each, usually they are closer to 2 dollars and so I was filling my cart with them, when along came this woman who practically elbowed me out of the way. O.K. so I understand that maybe she wanted to make sure I didn't take them all, but please, calm down about it. She was so super grabby, I couldn't believe it. I wasn't going to take ALL of them anyway, although part of me wanted to keep grabbing them just to piss her off. I didn't say anything, but just walked away. I always see that lady there though, so next time I see her hoarding something, I may just reach right over her and grab whatever it is that SHE wants. I'm totally kidding!
I'm sorry I elbowed you. I just really, really like that coconut water.
Whenever we go to Brasil, the first thing my husband wants to do is go to a coco water stand on the beach. They hack the top off after you order, stick a straw in (just like the picture!), and you drink chilled milk right out of the coconut. So so good.
I was so behind on your blog but all caught up now. Comments- fun camping, jealous, want to camp; scary concerned weirdo at back door, yikes; can't wait for your visit.
Yum!! I haven't had those before, but coconut water sounds so absolutely delicious.
This post made me LOL... Pushy people are so funny/frustrating, and I have the best visual of someone elbowing you out of the way to grab some coconut water! How rude. (My mom would probably do that... She is *that* type!)
We are a vegan family. This blog is about our adventures in parenting, cooking, and our lives in general. I have two children, Athena born 5/04 and Rowan 3/07. And by the way, I think my kids are the poster children for a vegan life style. Both were vegan since conception, both were born quite healthy and continue to be so. My son was a whopping 10 lbs 9 oz, so yeah, they aren't starving!
I'm sorry I elbowed you. I just really, really like that coconut water.
Gosh... you got a great deal on these.
They taste so delicious when super cold
Whenever we go to Brasil, the first thing my husband wants to do is go to a coco water stand on the beach. They hack the top off after you order, stick a straw in (just like the picture!), and you drink chilled milk right out of the coconut. So so good.
I was so behind on your blog but all caught up now. Comments- fun camping, jealous, want to camp; scary concerned weirdo at back door, yikes; can't wait for your visit.
Yum!! I haven't had those before, but coconut water sounds so absolutely delicious.
This post made me LOL... Pushy people are so funny/frustrating, and I have the best visual of someone elbowing you out of the way to grab some coconut water! How rude. (My mom would probably do that... She is *that* type!)
That coco H20 looks great. Pathtetic, the hoarding mentality.
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