Sunday, October 14, 2007

Santee Lakes and fevers

We had a great day at Santee lakes on Wednesday. It was a beautiful day and the kids seemed to enjoy it there. I got to enjoy some of Lindsey's (Day to Day Vegan) graham crackers and they were terrific.
Ro got sick that night though with a fever all night, his first one. He slept horribly which meant so did I. I dropped A off school for a couple hours while Ro and I napped. He was still sick Thurs. night and Fri. It was so hard because he was so tired, but could only sleep in my arms and with absolute silence. The silence part was hard to come by since A was going crazy staying home with me all day and not getting much attention. We did leave on fri to get a jamba juice and buy a birthday present. Ro's fever broke sometime between a late dinner and 11 when I went in to nurse him. I could just tell he was cooler and hoped for better sleep, but no. I think the teeth were bugging him too. By Sat. he seemed himself and took a 3 hour catch up nap which was nice. Today he woke up with a familiar rash so I am pretty sure it was Roseola. Poor guy had that on top of trying to get his first teeth. He has been pretty sad, but for him at least that still means he is smiling half the time. People hardly believed he was sick, but I knew it was pretty bad! Anyway, he took another long nap today and seems to be recovered. Now I just hope we didn't spread Roseola to any unsuspecting babies...


Espi, Lisa and Isabella said...

You'd never know Ro was ever grumpy because he smiles all the time :) I swear you should enter him in a contest for greatest grin!

veganmomma said...

Yeah, he is quite the grinner. His sis was/is the same way. They love the camera!