Friday, October 24, 2008

Vegan MoFo - Day 18 Peak a boo Freezer

I've been really liking this meme where you show everyone the contents of your freezer, and since we went out to dinner and I didn't have any other MoFo ideas, tonight was the perfect night for it.

In the door we have a variety of nuts and seeds including almonds, macadamia nuts, cashews (roasted and raw), pinenuts, pistachios, pepitas, and sunflower seeds.
Top shelf is: chocolate soy ice cream, frozen pasta, frozen pizza, frozen waffles, chia seeds, hemp protein powder, frozen kiwi (any suggestions on what to do with that? we have a bunch and it wasn't very good in smoothies.)
Bottom shelf: frozen peas, frozen corn, the legs of a frozen "boo boo bunny", oat groats, sesame seeds, and some frozen grapes that need to be tossed.

I was feeling like a treat tonight so I whipped up this decadent chocolate shake. Here is what it is made of: chocolate soy ice cream, 2 chocolate chocolate cream sandwich cookies, chocolate hemp milk, and mocha silk. Blend and enjoy. If you don't have a stomach of steel like me, then you better take it easy with this one, even I feel a little sick and it takes a lot to make me feel that way! After I made this and offered Chris to make the same, he went and showed off his will power by having his "dessert" which consisted of bananas and strawberries drizzled with "smoothie oil" (strawberry flavored flax oil). His loss. :)


denise said...

ok so i am weeks behind on reading your blog and i love food and chocolate and have wanted to comment on so many of these days i had to go with the last the peak in to your freezer and love the kids on the top of the many recipes i want to try! we should have a vegan potluck dinner with our friends sometime, d

julia said...

I love it!

Tell me more about keeping nuts and seeds in the freezer. I've never heard of this.