Monday, November 26, 2007

Commas, Have you ever noticed?

Have you ever noticed my problem with commas? I have always loved them, but I tend to use them inappropriately. And I seriously have to think hard sometimes about where/when they are needed. So, I just thought I'd share just in case you ever wondered what was up with me. I've never pretended I was a good writer, either creatively or technically speaking, but I do enjoy this blogging bit so I'm glad my small group of readers accepts me for who I am. Be ready for commas because I rarely post without at least a few. And don't worry about correcting me either, I like things the way they are.


lola coca-cola said...

I'm a comma addict, too.

lao80 said...


chanale said...
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Luci said...

i, love, commas, too! ha ha!