Sunday, November 18, 2007

Feeling grumpy

I'm always sad on Sunday nights because it means the weekend is over. We had a lot of fun this weekend between our usual battles:) This morning I took the kids to the cafe where I meet the Stitch N Bitch group because Athena had always wanted to see it. We had a nice breakfast and afterwards we headed over to a local lake to let Athena ride her bike and feed the ducks and coots. We then went to our neighborhood park and I let Rowan down the slide for the first time (Athena caught him at the bottom). We had to leave early though because Athena got crazy feet and started kicking me. Anyway, I hope tomorrow is a good day, it will be busy and I am already feeling so tired:( Athena has been soooooo challenging this week. Just super disobedient, whiny, and unpredictable, I keep reminding myself SHE'S 3(.5)! Today is her official half way to her birth day. Yay for 3 1/2!

1 comment:

Luci said...

it can be super tough sometimes, i'm right there with ya sister. I always wondered why they called it the terrible two's.....;)